Welcome To
Bach Sunrise!
Your One
Stop Shop
For Dr. Bach!
Bach Flower
Remedies Are The
Secret To Living a
Happy & Healthy Life!
Learn To Heal Yourself/Others!
Welcome to the companion site
to Heal Yourself! Live a more
fulfilling, happier, more stress-
free life with the Bach Flower
Remedies! They help bring out
the real you--the most confident,
happy, strong, loving, and kind
person you can be. Dr. Bach
found they were able to cure all
manner of disease, as well, and
used them to do just that with
his many patients.
They work because Dr. Bach
found that there are 38 thoughts
patterns that block our healing
ability--or that come out when
we are sick--and 38 thought
patterns that activate our body’s
healing ability. His Bach
Remedies are renowned for
helping eliminate every negative,
stressful, feeling we can have--
directly improving our health as
a result!
In fact, Dr. Bach used them to
help his patients overcome even
the worst, most “incurable” of
diseases. Heal Yourself! tells you
everything you need to know
about using this revolutionary
healing system, and in a very
simple and clear way.
Dr. Bach’s system can truly
change the world--helping all of
us to become kinder, gentler,
more focused, and far happier
and healthier--and you can use it
to change your own life
beginning today!
Heal Yourself!
Perhaps the most accessible
and simple to use guide on
the Bach Remedies!
It makes use of Dr. Bach’s
original description of the
Bach Remedies, while
expanding upon it in such an
easy to use way that you, too,
can soon become an expert in
using them!
Why wait to begin overcoming
all the negative feelings that
are keeping you from being as
happy and healthy as you can
be? This is the self-help and
self-healing system that gives
you outside help! The book is
only $12--so there is no
excuse to wait getting started!
© Christopher Hoyt, 2016
My latest book!
Closing The Gap: The Scientific Case
For The Bach Flower Remedies
Learn the science of mind/body
medicine and how it matches up to
what Dr. Bach stated 80+ years ago!
Also read about all of the studies that
have been conducted on the Bach
Remedies, including the most recent
ones that seem to prove that they can
work as advertised!
Only $10 on Amazon! Just click the
picture of the book above to order!
If you are skeptical, or doubt the Bach
Remedies could work as advertised,
it’s time to think again!
Just Click On Either Book To
Order It From Amazon!
Note: The flower essences described on these pages
(the “Bach Remedies”) and the statements made
about them have not been evaluated or approved by
the FDA. Therefore, they are not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or
condition, physical or mental. All content is for
educational purposes only, in an attempt to explicate
what Dr. Bach found regarding health and healing.